Promoting Inclusion for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Adult Services
We have a wide range of community-based supports available to adults with intellectual disability. Click below to learn more.
Accessing Adult Supports at Kare
To access our adult supports, a person must:
be at least 18 years of age
have confirmation of an intellectual disability as their primary disability
live within the Mid/South Kildare, East Offaly, West Wicklow or North East Carlow area
To apply, download and complete the application form.[Word version] [PDF version]
If you are finishing school and interested in transitioning to our adult services, contact Kare's Transition Planner:
Dervla Sheerin, Transition Planner | 087 931 5789
Day Service
Kare's day services, also known as local services, run from Monday to Friday in many different locations.
Our day services help people to live a life of choice, by providing them with opportunities to connect with others, take part in activities and develop skills.
People are empowered to do things independently, including further education and work, opportunities for sport, recreation and other health and wellbeing activities.

Kare provides many living options for the people we support.
Our goal is to provide people with a place that they can call home.
Outreach is our 'service without walls'.
Rather than coming to a Kare day service, the Outreach team works with a person in their own local area to support them with what they want to do.
This may be work, further education, personal development projects, or however they choose to live their lives.

Short Breaks
Kare provides short break or respite services in our houses in Kildare, Athy and Ballymore Eustace, as well as alternative respite in the community.
Access to our respite services is determined by individual needs.