Promoting Inclusion for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Kare's Governance
Kare (Promoting Inclusion for People with Intellectual Disabilities), is a Company Limited By Guarantee and a registered charity in Ireland. We are also an Approved Housing Body.
Kare is signed up to and is compliant with the Charities Governance Code issued by the Charities Regulator.
Kare is governed by a Board of Directors. They ensure that Kare is effective in working towards achieving our vision, and using our resources to maximum effect by upholding our values. A maximum of 12 Directors sit on the Board and six are family members of people we support. The Board adheres to a Code of Conduct.
Kare Strategic Plan 2021–2025
Our Strategic Plan 2021–2025 'Inclusion, Innovation, Inspiration' was launched at Kare's 2021 AGM. It is an ambitious plan with three key strategic priorities. Read about our plans below.
Kare Strategic Plan
Kare Strategic Plan
2021–2025 (Easy Read)
Strategic Plan
Progress Update
Committees of the Board
Finance Audit
Risk, Quality & Safety Subcommittee
Remuneration & Nominations

Oversees the financial management of the organisation. It provides a level of assurance to Kare's Board of Directors that there are appropriate and effective systems in place to cover all aspects of financial management and its promotion of good corporate governance.
Oversees the management of risk, quality and safety in the organisation. It provides a level of assurance to the Board that there are appropriate and effective systems in place that cover all aspects of risk management and quality improvement.
Ensures Kare's remuneration policies, procedures, and practices comply with Public Service Pay Policy and any specific directions or instructions of the HSE. It also ensures that appropriate plans are in place for the orderly succession of appointments to the Board to maintain an appropriate balance of skills and expertise.