Promoting Inclusion for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Annie's Story
What initially motivated you to apply for the LTI programme at Kare?
I was working in shop and catering management and wanted something new. I had always had an interest in working in social care but had no idea how to get into the area with no qualifications and did not want to commit to the cost and time of college.
I saw the ad in the local newspaper (yes that’s how long ago it was!) and applied. It seemed ideal as I could get qualifications and experience at the same time and I would really find out if this was the area for me.
What were your expectations before starting the programme?
I expected to gain qualifications, experience and confidence in being able to start a new challenge that was completely different from my previous experiences. My biggest expectation was to gain enough information to either build on my knowledge so I could go forward with my learning or to gain enough that I could work in the area.
What did you find most valuable about the programme content/modules?
The course and experience was great as I was able to put what I was learning weekly into practice weekly and/or chat to other staff working in the area for longer who could give me real life examples of how my learning could and would apply in a social care work place. I also built some great relationships with other people on my course as well as in my placements.
How has the programme helped you to achieve your professional goals?
I went back to college part-time and achieved a first in my Bachelor’s degree in Professional Social Care. I have worked across employment, local services and residential in Kare and I am currently working in Outreach while looking at courses and potential Masters certificates and degrees for my future.
One of the great things about the LTI was the various ages, backgrounds and experiences of everyone in the group, showing us once again that learning, and change, doesn’t have an age or time limit.
How would you describe the support you received on the programme?
I received excellent support and guidance through the team in my local service who encouraged me to build on my abilities and confidence to be part of the team while learning. The also supported me with applying my learning into everyday practices.
Would you recommend the LTI programme to others?
This Is a great programme for anyone looking to try a new area or if you were interested in this area and not sure how to go about it. It will allow you to gain skills and qualifications while also utilising those skills in practice. There’s not many programmes out there that allow you to become part of two teams while you learn, the LTI group and the local service team, building your skills, knowledge and experience at the same time.

Martin's Story
What initially motivated you to apply for the LTI programme at Kare?
I had been volunteering with Special Olympics for a few years and found it very rewarding. I already knew I enjoyed working with people with an intellectual disability and that is really what generated the interest.
I had spent most of my working life in the Industrial Automation Industry in Sales, Engineering and Management, however I always wanted to try something different before I retired. I called Kare enquiring about what qualifications I would need to work in social care. They suggested the one-year LTI programme and I applied straight away.
I had already decided to leave the Sales Management job I was in and within a few
weeks of giving my notice I interviewed was accepted on the course. The timing was perfect – I left my job in August 2022, signed on for Jobseeker's payment and started the course in October.
What were your expectations before starting the programme?
I really needed to get out of the high powered stressful role I was working in and I had an open mind about what I was taking on, but I was a little concerned about going back to education at my age (60 at the time) and starting a new career. My computer skills, particularly word processing were very basic and was worried about how would I survive on Jobseeker's payment.
My concerns vanished when I started the course, I loved it from the very first day. The change of environment and learning atmosphere was exactly what I needed.
What did you find most valuable about the programme content/modules?
My concerns about the word processing were unfounded, this course teaches you how to layout the assignments with the word processing module right at the start of the course which was critical for me and supported me through each module as I went through the year.
However probably the most valuable for me was the actual work experience getting to work with people with intellectual disabilities. I got to work in a local service and a residential setting during the work experience module. This really gave me a full on real taste for the job itself and I discovered pretty quick that I enjoyed the work and this motivated me to get the assignments done and apply myself to the course.
How has the programme helped you to achieve your professional goals?
During the second phase of work experience, I applied for a relief Social Care Assistant role at Kare. I received excellent coaching by the tutors with how to apply and interview. I was successful and got zero hour contract in a residential setting. This allowed me to experience what it’s like working in residential and also my first experience in shift work. I became part of a team and was able to work 19 hours a week which supplemented my Jobseeker's.
Just before the end of the LTI programme, I applied for a permanent Social Care Assistant role in a local service and was successful. I am now seven months in this role and I love it. My colleagues, service users and everyone I have met in Kare have been very helpful in supporting me to settle in and the work is extremely rewarding
How would you describe the support you received on the programme?
The coaching and guidance from the LTI team was absolutely brilliant. Each module has a few assignments and this for me was daunting at the beginning, but as I completed the first few I I gained experience and the tutors really supported me to keep going. They went beyond their role in making sure we all got through the programme. No question I asked went unanswered and, believe me, I asked a lot of questions!
The Facilitators for each module were always approachable when I didn’t understand stuff and were available in person or by email when I came up against any problems. My colleagues on the LTI Programme were also a major source of support and at no time during the year did I feel like giving up.
Did anything surprise you about the programme?
Moving to a different industry was a huge step, leaving a highly paid management role to go on a jobseekers payment felt like I was jumping off a cliff. However, the support I got from my family and the LTI programme co-ordinators made the transition very easy.
As soon as I started the work experience module I knew I had made the right decision. My only regret was that I didn’t hear about the LTI programme and do it years ago as it really makes the transition of changing of careers very easy.
Would you recommend the LTI programme to others?
I would highly recommend the LTI Programme to school leavers, or anyone wanting to change their current career. It is a step towards gaining a higher qualification and a chance to get paid while you are training. For me it was a great opportunity to get back to education as I had left school early and although I had done an Engineering course to certificate level, the LTI Programme really gives you the skills to build on if you want to go further and get on a level 6/7 programme.
The course facilitators are extremely professional and they all have real life experience working on the front line in the intellectual disability/social care sector which is something that other courses do not offer. The work experience gives you lots of possibilities for content for the assignments and the co-ordinators really support you in making the deadlines to get the assignments done for each module.
Having got through the year and now with the 8 modules done and after getting a Social Care Assistant job with Kare I am very grateful for having had the chance to get on the LTI programme. I was the oldest in my class and was very aware at the interviews for the programme and jobs that this could have gone against me, however at no time throughout the course and within my job roles so far with Kare has my age been an issue, which says a lot about Kare as an organisation.

Aisling's Story
What initially motivated you to apply for the LTI programme at Kare?
I was looking to return to studies, but something that gave me work experience also.
What were your expectations before starting the programme?
I thought it would be a course to get some work experience in, learn a little bit about disabilities, get to do daily activities like going for walks. Nothing like the experience I did get and the knowledge – this programme far exceeded my expectations. However, the supports are there!
What did you find most valuable about the programme content/modules?
I really enjoyed the social studies, intellectual studies, community inclusion and communications studies.
However, the work experience in Local Service was so beneficial to, so much is happening, so many different activities, different personalities, staff and service users. It just really gave you the feel for what we had learned in theory and put it in to practical use. What we studied in class made sense on the floor.
How has the programme helped you to achieve your professional goals?
I am still working in the social care sector as a social care assistant. In residential, I support two young adults with their daily living and support them fulfil the bigger goals and achievements that they also have, with their health, emotional and physical well-being, I am a part of a team of fourteen staff where we all support each other and the service users to have a friendly and warm atmosphere
How would you describe the support you received on the programme?
The LTI programme team have been so supportive and helpful. Even now as a permanent staff I still reach out to some of the co-ordinators and facilitators. The knowledge given on the LTI comes from staff within the organisation and therefore gives the students a real sense of what Kare's core value are about and what the heart of Kare is all about too. The LTI is recognised amongst all the staff in Kare and is very well thought of.
Did anything surprise you about the programme?
The recognition and success of the students within all different areas of social work. The programme is a great stepping stone to getting into a job/career where you can find meaning and purpose in the work you are doing. I found myself taking great pride in what I was learning and doing. I always wanted to do my best.
Would you recommend the LTI programme to others?
YES! This programme prepared me to work in a completely different area than I was used to. However, there was nothing on the LTI course that the coordinators hadn’t thought of, between full training, work experience and modules, and the support was second to none.
This course can be as good as you make it, you can work really hard and do well for yourself from it.
I am very grateful for the chance to have been on the LTI programme. It has benefited me in so many ways. I’ve met great people and build relationships, through staff and service users. My fellow students from that year were so kind and helpful, we were a real team, some of whom I am working with today. The facilitators are so accommodating and knowledgeable. The supports are there if you’re willing to use them. From participating in the LTI I hope to further my studies in disabilities and or social car. It just feels like that’s the next step to take.

Liam's Story
What initially motivated you to apply for the LTI programme at Kare?
I always had an interest in working with adults with intellectual disabilities. My mam was working in Kare so I had been around Kare services since I could remember and had done some volunteering at the social club.
What were your expectations before starting the programme?
I was not sure what to expect but soon after starting I realised it was an excellent programme and any nerves I had were put at ease with the great course facilitators and tutors.
What did you find most valuable about the programme content/modules?
The blended learning between work experience and classroom.
How has the programme helped you to achieve your professional goals?
I have been working in Kare since I finished the LTI programme. I've worked in Outreach as a support worker, then in Naas and Prosperous local services as an Instructor Facilitator and now I am the Leader in Clane Local Service.
How would you describe the support you received on the programme?
The support we received as students was amazing, from programme co-ordinators/facilitators as well as other Kare staff that we met along the way
Did anything surprise you about the programme?
The opportunities that are presented for you to experience throughout the programme but also the amount of great individuals you get to work alongside whether it's frontline staff, clinicians, service users, students, etc
Would you recommend the LTI programme to others?
I would recommend the LTI programme to everyone. It is a wonderful opportunity to achieve a level major award but also to prepare you to work in this field. The individuals that you meet throughout your programme are a wealth of knowledge and you are always supported throughout your time in the programme.
I had left school at 16 to do an apprenticeship as a sound engineer. I had fallen out of love with the education system during my time in secondary school due to some bad experiences with being supported to learn in the way that supported me the most. The support that every individual is given throughout the programme is a testament to how education should be where everyone’s needs and learning styles are nurtured and supported.

Michael's Story
What initially motivated you to apply for the LTI programme at Kare?
I was looking for a career change to a job where I would be working with people in some way. I had always been curious about the work Kare does as there are two local services in my town. I had seen service users around the town, either working or out with staff.
I found Kare's LTI programme online. I then asked people who work in Kare about it. They strongly recommended the programme.
What were your expectations before starting the programme?
Having researched the course, I knew it was going to be challenging but enjoyable. I was anxious about starting work experience but the team in Edenderry LS put me at ease very quickly and I thoroughly enjoyed my time working there.
As I was coming from a job where I had no need to use technology, I was apprehensive about using a laptop for the assignments, but the support given by the coordinators and facilitators was excellent. The Word Processing module was particularly helpful.
As a member of the general public, we see service users and and their support workers in our community regularly without really understanding the work being done. I looked forward to learning more about it and the role of the support worker within the service users life.
What did you find most valuable about the programme content/modules?
For me there was a lot to be taken from every module we did on the LTI programme. The modules which I have taken most into my current role would be Facilitating Learning, Community Inclusion and Empowering the Individual.
Facilitating Learning covered task analysis which I use in my every day work now and it has worked every time I have used it. Community Inclusion opened my mind to new levels around service users having valued social roles within our community. Empowering the Individual included the importance of advocating for the service user and this is an every day occurrence in my current role
How has the programme helped you to achieve your professional goals?
Without the major award achieved from completing the LTI programme, I would not be able to work within the social care sector. It gave me the platform to go on and apply for jobs within the sector with the knowledge that I was well trained to fulfil my duties as a support worker. I am currently working in Kare's Outreach team supporting individuals to live as independently as possible.
How would you describe the support you received on the programme?
Having started the course, I went from being nervous to embracing the work experience, classes and assignments.
I was a tricky time for me to be entering a year long course because we started in September 2020 and it was during Covid. This resulted in all of our classes being online and our work experience start date being delayed significantly. Despite these setbacks, the course was delivered professionally and diligently. The facilitators and co-ordinators were always open to supporting the students.
The facilitators went above and beyond what they needed to do to support us around our assignments, always open to us sending in sections of assignments for feedback on what we could do better to achieve our maximum grades. The facilitators are all holding down full-time jobs within Kare which makes their openness to extra work seem even more impressive.
I now work with three of the facilitators who taught us modules on the LTI programme and get to see first-hand where the enthusiasm they showed when delivering their work comes from. Work experience in Edenderry local service was very enjoyable and the staff were eager to help me learn as much as possible. A lot of activities were put on hold as it was during Covid times but this led to me getting to know the service users and staff better than I would have if the activities were still on because we were in the centre for most of the day.
Did anything surprise you about the programme?
I recently had a conversation with one of the co-ordinators of the LTI programme at the time I was doing it and told her that I was surprised by the amount of content we learned on the course that was applicable to my current role. In previous employment I had done courses but very little of it could be carried over to and applied to the job I was doing. LTI is hugely different. Terms like task analysis, advocating, community inclusion, empowering, plans, report writing, family network, community network etc are everyday terminology for me in my role now.
Would you recommend the LTI programme to others?
I would recommend the LTI programme to others who are interested in taking up a career in social care. It was a great experience and to learn so much while having fun was enjoyable. Completing the LTI programme gave me the confidence to go on and sign up for a level 7 course in Youth Work Studies in Maynooth University. It also made me realise that taking yourself out of your comfort zone is something to embrace!
I have spoken about the support from co-ordinators, facilitators and staff but the support we gave each other as class mates created a bond between us that I hope lasts for a long time. Days can seem longer when you are sitting at home alone and concentrating on a class but we had a good-humoured class who made things enjoyable. Our class was also very vocal when it came to asking questions and getting involved in discussions which led to some interesting debates.

Amanda's Story
What initially motivated you to apply for the LTI programme at Kare?
I had been working for many years in the hospitality sector and I felt that it was time for a change. I heard about the LTI programme from family and after doing some research felt that this would be a good course for me to do so that I could get qualifications and experience supporting people with intellectual disability.
What were your expectations before starting the programme?
I expected to have to do a lot of assignments for the study side of the course. I knew that it was a Level 5 QQI award and that it would take a lot of commitment and study to get through it – I wasn’t wrong!
I also expected to have the chance to get some good work experience in a Kare location. I was based in Edenderry Local Service and the work experience was fantastic in helping me to learn and develop the skills I needed to support people with intellectual disability. Very quickly I knew that this was the career for me!
What did you find most valuable about the programme content/modules?
The course modules are very beneficial in teaching students to understand how to support people effectively. Empowering the Individual, Facilitating Learning and Community Inclusion helped me to understand how to support people to become as independent as possible and to teach them key skills that will support them to achieve independence.
Communications and Work Experience were essential in supporting my professional development as it taught me how to communicate with people with ID, their families and my colleagues. I didn’t have any computer skills before I started this course and Word Processing gave me everything I needed to know to do my assignments and do the job that I’m doing now to the best of my ability.
How has the programme helped you to achieve your professional goals?
Having completed the LTI programme I commenced a Community Employment role and started to apply for jobs. I was lucky enough to get a job as a social care assistant and worked in this role until 2022, when I was successful in achieving an Instructor/Facilitator role. Completing the LTI programme has helped me achieve all of my professional goals and I see myself working in the social care sector for the rest of my career.
How would you describe the support you received on the programme?
From the time I started on the LTI programme the course coordinators were very supportive. Their guidance in supporting me with the course assignments and my work placements was very valuable and contributed to my overall success. Nothing was ever too much to ask for!
The support from Kare staff was excellent, they answered all my questions and guided me to become the support worker I am today. This is one of the key areas of the programme that makes it so successful because we all need support along the way.
Did anything surprise you about the programme?
I knew nothing about intellectual disability before starting on the LTI programme and this course taught me that people with ID have more abilities than I would have thought. In fact every day brings a new surprise! Knowing now that I can make a significant difference in supporting a person to achieve their goals is very rewarding.
Would you recommend the LTI programme to others?
Yes, absolutely! This programme has changed my life and I’m only sorry that I didn’t do the course years ago. I am now doing a job that I love and it took the course to show me where I could use my skills and knowledge best.
Working with and supporting people with intellectual disability is by times challenging but always very rewarding. Supporting a person to achieve their goals brings me as much joy as it does them and I would recommend the programme and the social care sector to anyone who is who has a compassionate and caring nature.
Overall I found it very beneficial to me and a gateway to a career that I love. The support and guidance from the LTI coordinators and Kare staff help anyone who chooses to join the programme to successfully achieve results.

Mark's Story
What initially motivated you to apply for the LTI programme at Kare?
I was out of work for a couple of months after I finished college and tried some other avenues of employment. I had a really positive experience during my college work placement in Kare’s Recreation Department and really enjoyed supporting service users in their recreation activities.
After seeing the advertisement for the LTI programme I knew that I wanted to go back to Kare, upskill and gain the knowledge need to support service users in all aspects of their lives.
What were your expectations before starting the programme?
From my experience during my college placement I was familiar with Kare’s ethos and I got to meet a lot of staff members and service users during my time so I was comfortable with the environment I was hoping to work in.
In terms of the LTI programme my expectations were that it was going to be a tough year academically, working through the course modules and assignments, but I had heard that LTI participants had a good track record in gaining employment in the disability sector afterwards. I was happy to start the journey and upskill to gain employment at the end of it.
What did you find most valuable about the programme content/modules?
I got a lot of value from the content and modules. I didn’t know the theory behind how service users should be supported in Kare. It was great to learn from very knowledgeable tutors who were able to give us practical examples of how the theory should be applied when working within a local service. The Empowering the Individual, Supported Employment and Community Inclusion modules were key for me having the skills to support service users in the right way once I began my placement within the local service.
Having to work with a service user as a case study for completing some of the assignments and modules allowed me to use both the practical and academic skills I had learned during the course and also helped me to get to know the service users and their support needs on a more specific level.
How has the programme helped you to achieve your professional goals?
The programme gave me a huge platform to allow me to achieve my professional goals. I am now working 13 years in the Social Care Sector and 13 years within the Kare Organisation. During this time I have worked in varied roles within the Local Service, Residential Houses and in my current role I work as a Planner within Kare’s Outreach Service.
Over the course of my 13 years I have be afforded the time to upskill in various courses within Kare and also through external courses. I feel like there is a pathway for my professional progression within Kare and I am continuing to pursue this at this current time.
How would you describe the support you received on the programme?
Whilst completing the programme I found that there was a lot of support and help from Co-ordinators/Facilitators and Kare staff in general.
As staff in Kare are familiar with the LTI programme and how the work placement is conducted I found all staff to be helpful in answering questions, advising, mentoring and helping me feel integrated into the staff team. I found the facilitators and co-ordinators to be very approachable and friendly and flexible in their approach to supporting participants through this programme.
Did anything surprise you about the programme?
Not too much about this programme surprised me as I had spoken to some past participants before applying for the course but a nice surprise was the friendships and the camaraderie you develop with the other participants on the programme. I am still very friendly and would remain in contact with at least half of the people I did the programme with.
Would you recommend the LTI programme to others?
I would highly recommend this programme to anyone seeking to work in the disability sector. The programme equips you with a broad spectrum of theory and practical skills that are needed to work with and support Service Users with a wide ranging levels of abilities and needs.
The qualification you receive is recognised across the organisations in the disability sector so on completion it makes you very employable. The experience you gain through the work placement is the key part of the programme. With the practical knowledge you gain from the course you leave having the confidence and competence to support service users of varying levels of ability to live the lives they want to live.
The LTI programme was a very positive experience for me and I met some great staff, tutors and Service Users along the way which made the journey very easy. I felt confident and ready for full employment on completion of the programme and I am glad that I was able to gain employment in Kare thereafter.